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Seaspiracy forced to retract erroneous fish feed claims

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Erroneous claims by the makers of Seaspiracy about the weight of forage fish required in feed to make a kilo of farmed salmon are being removed by Neflix, following complaints by BioMar.

The makers of Seaspiracy claimed that it took up to 20 kg of forage fish to produce 1 kg of farmed salmon

“Thanks to BioMar, Netflix has forced Seaspiracy to retract their claim that it takes 5-20kg of forage fish to make 1kg of salmon,” wrote the feed producer on LinkedIn yesterday.

The documentary makers removed the claim prior to the film being screened following pressure from BioMar, and have now removed it from its fact sheet too.

Seaspiracy was roundly criticised by the aquaculture and fisheries sectors, as well as numerous eminent marine scientists, for its sensationalist and subjective approach to the health of the oceans.

Among other leading aquaculture publications and players that have published comments and fact-checks, The Fish Site also published an editorial criticising the lack of aquaculture voices in the documentary.

“Thank you to everyone that liked, commented and reposted, as it’s thanks to you that this outrageous claim has now been removed,” wrote BioMar.

The feed company has been praised for its efforts by members of the salmon farming sector, and the wider scientific community.

“Thank you BioMar - and a win for any business around the world committed to socially and environmentally sustainable operations, of which there are many,” wrote Tasmanian Salmon producer Huon Aquaculture.

BioMar have since announced another retraction from the documentary makers, removing a derogatory adjective from a description of the potentially harmful health impacts of eating fish.

"The word toxic has now removed by Seapiracy on their ‘facts’ page on their website. However their ‘expert’ still uses the word within the movie," they explain.

"It’s important that we come together as one seafood industry to call-out the disinformation. BioMar has step up on behalf of the aquaculture feed industry and we look forward to seeing others do the same in their specific fields," they add.