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Mowi reports record salmon cycle at Loch Linnhe

Atlantic Salmon Health Welfare +5 more

Mowi’s salmon farms in Loch Linnhe combined to produce their best ever growing cycle, following their final harvests in July.

Some of the staff from Mowi's Loch Linnhe salmon sites

© Mowi Scotland

Salmon raised in the company’s Gorsten, Leven and Kingairloch farms had an average harvest live weight of 6.25 kg, with 96 percent of the fish given a superior grading, according to the latest issue of Mowi’s inhouse newsletter, The Scoop.

The average time it took for the fish to reach harvest weight was 462 days after being transferred to the sites as smolts and the survival rate during this period was an impressive 93 percent.

All the sites had strong results, with Leven and Kingairloch exceeding the previous highest relative growth index (RGI) levels. Survival levels were 96.7 percent at Leven and 94.9 percent at Kingairloch. At Gorsten, the average harvest weight was 6.39kg and salmon achieved a superior grading of 96.77 percent.

Mowi Scotland production director Roar Paulsen told the newsletter: “The teams at our Linnhe division of farms have worked extremely hard looking after the fish in their care and the results speak for themselves. Their proven attention to detail in taking care of and providing the best environment for the fish has been instrumental in their success. Also, the great results can be attributed to the teams’ skill and ability to take the right decisions and actions when biological challenges arise.

“I must also acknowledge the teamwork in our company and congratulate those involved with production of good smolt, and the wider support teams, who helped to achieve these results in the Linnhe system.”