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Victory Farms donates tilapia fingerlings to small-scale producers

Husbandry Sustainability Tilapia / Cichlids +7 more

Kenya’s Victory Farms has donated fingerlings to small-scale fish farmers across Homa Bay County, allowing producers to stock their ponds.

Victory Farms is a leading tilapia producer in Kenya

© Victory Farms

The firm’s community relations officer, Dan Obado, told Kenya News Agency that the donation forms part of their corporate social responsibility strategy to provide economic opportunities to small-scale producers in the region. Victory Farms will provide 250,000 tilapia fingerlings to 250 fish farmers across the county. The initiative is expected to cost 1.2 million Kenyan Shillings ($9,800).

Obado went on to say that Victory Farms wants to make sure that fish farmers in the Luo Nyanza Region would benefit from their efforts, and said that they will extend aid to counties like Siaya, Kisumu and Migori.

“We intend to donate 100,000 fingerlings to small-scale farmers in each and every county in the Western region of Kenya and we have started with Homa Bay because this is where we are based,” Obado said.

Commenting on recent fish losses in the region, Obado promised that Victory Farms will provide 100,000 fingerlings to those affected. However, he urged farmers to brush up on husbandry practices to prevent similar incidents of fish mortalities, saying: “The farmers who will get our fingerlings should make sure they get educated on how to prevent the death of fish.”

Read more about this story from the Kenya News Agency.