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Solberg steps down

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Marit Solberg, chief operating officer for Marine Harvest’s Canadian, Scottish, Irish and Faroese farming operations, has announced her retirement today.

Solberg has worked for Marine Harvest for three decades and, in a press release issued today, the company said; “we would like to thank her for her extensive contributions through all these years”.

Following her retirement on 1 November Marine Harvest has decided to return to its original management team structure of having one farming COO with global responsibility and Per-Roar Gjerde, who has been COO farming for Norway and Chile since 1 January 2017, will fill this role.

Born in 1967, Gjerde is a graduate from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), and has completed executive management courses at Solstrand in Norway and Insead in France. He has extensive experience within salmon farming and sales. He started his career as a salesperson with Domstein Salmon. In 2002 Gjerde became controller for farming at Fjord Seafood Norway, which became part of Marine Harvest in 2006. In 2007 he was appointed director for Region West, one of the four business units of Marine Harvest Norway at that time. In January 2016 he moved to Chile, was appointed managing director for Marine Harvest Chile and led the business restructuring process there.