Aquaculture for all

Seafood Industry Unites in Support of a Bold Ethics Agenda

Sustainability Marketing Economics +5 more

UK - Representatives from across the seafood industry have come together in support of a new all-stakeholder working group set up in response to growing concerns regarding unethical practices within the global seafood market.

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Hosted by Seafish, the group includes major supermarket chains, smaller retailers, producers, suppliers, NGOs, development organisations and charities, and is setting out to establish a common understanding of the issues, communicate the work currently going on to address them, and agree a clear agenda for future action.

Commenting on the Ethics Working Group’s inaugural meeting, Seafish CEO Paul Williams said: “Seafish is delighted to facilitate this important work and grateful for the support of our industry. The different sectors of the seafood industry often have very different agendas and priorities but the issue of ethics, and in particular the treatment of the people employed in the supply of seafood, is one that unites us all. That we have come together in support of such a bold agenda is a testament to the genuine concern we all share for our fellow humans and our collective will to do the right thing.”

The Ethics Working Group is currently agreeing a collective work programme and in due course, will be issuing a joint report on current issues and initiatives and a statement of intent.