Aquaculture for all

Portrait of Newfoundland Shrimp Fishing

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CANADA - The Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters is releasing the last video of its fish harvesters across Canada series.

Lucy Towers thumbnail

This last video follows Dwight, Chad and Ashley Spence and Wade Rumbolt on the Cape Ashley in Port Aux Choix, Newfoundland. This multi-generational family fish harvesting has-been fishing shrimp in northern Newfoundland for years and We Were lucky enough to hop aboard to see just how it's done.

"We're exploring the personal side of the fish harvesting industry, telling a story about the fish harvesters, and Their community Ultimately how seafood Makes icts way to the consumer's plate," said John Sutcliffe, Executive Director of the CCPFH. "We want to reignite interest in the industry as a career and aussi to reacquaint Canadians with the value this industry Brings to our economy."

Chad Spence narrates the video. Sharing His outlook sometimes uncertain about the future of the industry, Chad express his hope for a future and the intergenerational transfer of knowledge harvesting fish prosperous.

As we ride along on the Cape Ashley, Chad shows us the gear and the work involved both on the boat and the preparation work on shore. The job certainly does not start when the boat leaves the dock nor does it end when it arrives.

"We're very excited about this series," said John Sutcliffe. "Our work at the Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters is seen in every part of the fish harvester's day, from safety to the best way to market their catch. We are showing what our organization is about through the action of Canadian fish harvesters. Few people are aware of the challenges harvesters face and the pride they have in their work. "

The videos are from a project of Being Funded by the Government of Canada and is produced by Being Kobb Media for the Canadian Council of Professional Fish Harvesters.