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New chair for marine ingredients standard

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Libby Woodhatch has been appointed as the next executive chair of the IFFO RS, the global standard for the responsible supply of marine ingredients.

She will take over from Andrew Jackson, who has held the role since the standard – which deals mainly with fishmeal and fish oil – was launched in 2009.

Libby Woodhatch, incoming chair of the IFFO RS

Woodhatch is currently head of advocacy for the UK industry authority Seafish, where she has played a major role in the development of their Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS)standard for vessels. Prior to this she was chief executive of Seafood Scotland.

Since the launch of IFFO RS in October 2009 130 fishmeal plants in 17 different countries have gained IFFO RS certification and over 45 percent of the world’s combined production of marine ingredients is now IFFO RS compliant.

“I am delighted that Libby has agreed to take on this role for IFFO RS. Following on from last year’s strategic review, we have arrived at an exciting and interesting time for IFFO RS,” said Jackson. “Libby has just the right qualities to lead the standard to even greater success over the coming years and provide an accessible, but credible, standard for marine ingredient producers to aspire to and achieve, in all regions of the world.”

“I am thrilled to be offered this role, Andy is leaving behind a great legacy and I look forward to working with the governing body and team at IFFO RS to establish the standard further,” said Woodhatch in response.