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Kuwait Expresses Interest in Sri Lanka's Fisheries Sector

Tuna Sustainability Economics +6 more

SRI LANKA - Kuwait has expressed its interest in partnering with the Sri Lankan fishery industry and excepting fish exports from the country.

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This was revealed when the Kuwaiti Commerce Minister Abdullah Al-Ali met the Minister of Industry and Commerce of Sri Lanka Rishad Bathiudeen on 18 July on the side-lines of 14th Session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Nairobi, Kenya.

Minister Al Ali said that they were keen to import fish such as yellowfin tuna from Sri Lanka, and they could partner with Sri Lanka to develop this sector.

“We import fish from other South Asian countries but not from Sri Lanka. Therefore it is time we look at Sri Lanka”, he added

In response, the Sri Lankan Minister Bathiudeen pointed out that his Ministry is ready to extend their fullest assistance to Kuwaiti investors for Sri Lankan fishery sector.

“With regard to Kuwait partnering in our fisheries, I shall explore possibilities as to how Kuwait can invest in it”, he said.