Aquaculture for all

Italian Fishery MareVivo Certified Friend of the Sea

Crustaceans Sustainability Economics +4 more

ITALY - The Italian company MareVivo, fishing in the Mediterranean Sea (FAO Area 37) for European hake, red mullet, musky octopus, mantis shrimp and deep-water rose shrimp, can now proudly display the Friend of the Sea international sustainability seal of approval.

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Headquartered in the southern region of Puglia, MareVivo fishes, processes and distributes seafood for the national market.

All stocks targeted by MareVivo were found to be not overexploited according to Medits’s researches and Aquamed consortium. Fishing activities are not carried out in protected areas; discard rate is negligible and waste management procedures are in place in order to reduce the environmental impact of the fishery.

Fishing gears meet all Friend of the Sea criteria. The vessel respects the biological recovery period which corresponds to the breeding season.

The traceability system, including GPS and Internet technology, allows to trace the fishing and location ensuring no mixing between certified and not-certified products.

“We’re deeply engaged in protecting the marine ecosystem," explained Mr Orazio Albano of MareVivo.

"Being part of Friend of the Sea further recognizes MareVivo’s efforts in this sense.”

Among the species fished by MareVivo, the musky octopus is included. The company especially promotes the processing and producing of its musky octopus fish balls.