Aquaculture for all

Innovasea launches new aquaculture monitoring tool

Technology & equipment

Innovasea has unveiled Realfish Pro – “an advanced, cloud-based aquaculture platform that enables fish farmers to monitor, manage and control operations from anywhere”.

The platform allows farmers to monitor and manage a range of factors remotely

© Innovasea

Combining real-time data from environmental sensors and cameras with powerful analytics, according to Innovasea, Realfish Pro allows farm operators to monitor and control water conditions and make informed decisions to protect fish stocks or optimise operations at a moment’s notice – all through an easy-to-read dashboard on a computer or mobile device.

“Realfish Pro is a giant step forward for fish farmers looking to increase their production and profitability,” said Tim Stone, Innovasea’s vice-president of product development, in a press release.

“Rather than rely on educated guesses or gut instinct, farm managers can now make data-driven decisions using accurate, up-to-the-minute information that’s always available, no matter where they are.”

Realfish Pro currently features the following modules:

  • aquaEnvironment – helps farmers monitor water conditions to safeguard fish stocks from threats like temperature fluctuations, low oxygen events and harmful algal blooms.
  • aquaControl – enables farmers to instantly aerate or oxygenate water in their fish pens to counteract poor conditions, enhance fish health or optimise feeding and growth rates. It also lets farmers automate their aeration and oxygenation regimens, dramatically reducing energy and fuel costs and cutting emissions, so they can operate more sustainably.

Realfish Pro also provides automated reporting of farm site conditions to satisfy government regulations, such as those in Norway and Chile, or meet industry certifications such as the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s.

“Regulators and government agencies are becoming increasingly focused on monitoring environmental conditions in and around fish farms,” said Stone. “Realfish Pro makes it easy to comply with their reporting requirements and deliver the data they’re looking for, fast and effortlessly.”