Aquaculture for all

India and Uganda Co-operate on the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector

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INDIA - The Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) has organised a high level meeting with Ms Ruth Nankabirwa, Ugandan Minster of State for Fisheries for increasing co-operation with Uganda in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

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Ms Nankabirwa informed that capture fisheries is only seasonal and they are concentrating more on fish farming.

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis tilapia) and African Catfish (Clarius gariepinus) are the two commercially important fish species. Tilapia is being produced in cages installed in lakes and reservoirs.

The Minister suggested two areas for co-operation- feed for aquaculture in sufficient quantities and seed production by establishing fish hatcheries.

For capture fisheries, India can provide boats and nets as nets are being made locally by fishers themselves.

Dr S. Ayyappan, Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR informed that India is utilising few carp species for freshwater aquaculture. India is also facing the same problems in capture as well as culture fisheries. Fish seed and fish feed are also problems in India and the country is looking forward to having Nile tilapia.

He suggested that a visit of developmental departments, scientists and entrepreneurs can be organized to Uganda. He informed that ICAR has a mechanism of Indo-Africa Fellowship in which 75 fellowships are offered to African countries.

Dr Raja Sekhar Vundru, Joint Secretary (Fisheries), DAHD&F said that freshwater aquaculture is India’s strength and our feeding practices are excellent. India also needs germplasm of Nile Tilapia. He said that both the countries can learn from each other. He suggested having a separate MoU on fisheries wherein development officials, scientists and private entrepreneurs can have regular meetings.