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Government to Conduct Tilapia Farming Training at Congress

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PHILIPPINES - The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) region 2, in collaboration with the Local Government Units of Isabela and SN Aboitiz, is set to conduct Tilapia Congress on 30 May at the Magat Dam in Ramon, Isabela.

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Severina Bueno, chief-fisheries production division, said it is expecting around 300 fisherfolk from all over the region and nearby towns of the Cordillera Administrative Region to participate in the congress.

The congress, Bueno said aims to update fish farmers on the latest technologies on tilapia culture and likewise to help fish cage and fishpond operators prevent the occurrence of fish kills.

“The fish kill is one the problems which encountered by fish farmers. And so, through the conduct of the congress, we want to teach them the proper managment of fishes in fish cages and fishponds,” Bueno said.

She added that they will also showcase the success stories of some Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Councils (FARMCs) to let other fisherfolk groups adopt these best practices which may contribute to increase their fish production.

"There are active FARMCs in the region with best practices but majority of them were located in the coastal zones," Bueno added.

The FARMC of Claveria town, where they established a ‘Fisherfolk Village’, a resettlement project for landless fisherfolk families, will be highlighted during the congress. The Claveria FARMC also initiated the provision of livelihood projects to the town's fisherfolk families to augment their income.