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DESPAR Tuna and Mackerel Adhere to Friend of the Sea Sustainable Certification

Tuna Sustainability Economics +5 more

ITALY - The project Friend of the Sea is spreading in Italy thanks to the recent accession of DESPAR, one of the leading supermarket chains in Italy, part of the international group SPAR.

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The tuna and mackerel brand DESPAR are the first products to be certified Friend of the Sea as originating from fleets adhere to strict sustainability criteria.

Both the tuna mackerel are provided by Generale Conserve SpA, a leading Italian company specialised in canned goods, has already been certified Friend of the Sea.

Tuna and mackerel are caught in fisheries in which the stock is not overexploited using selective fishing methods that do not damage the seabed.

"We chose to test the products according to the criteria DESPAR Friend of the Sea as the project has grown in credibility and has expanded its presence in the world," said Dr Simone Pambianco, Category Manager of DESPAR.

"The Friend of the Sea certification further demonstrates our commitment to the environment consumers of DESPAR. DESPAR from time actively contributes to environmental protection, collaborating with other associations."