Aquaculture for all

Delicius Anchovies Certified Friend of the Sea Sustainable

Sustainability Economics +3 more

ITALY - Delicius anchovies (Engraulis encrasicholus) have successfully been renewed to the Friend of the Sea certification of sustainable fishery.

Lucy Towers thumbnail

The anchovies are fished in the Mediterranean Sea (FAO area 37) and carefully cured in Delicius plants.

Traditional pelagic purse seine fishing gear is used, named ‘lampara’. This fishing method is very selective, avoiding bycatch of other species, and it has no impact on the seabed. The stock is neither over-exploited nor over-fished. No protected areas or spawning areas are affected by the fishing activity.

Delicius has an effective Chain of Custody which guarantees that no mixing occurs between approved and non-approved products.

"We are proud of our engagement in respecting the marine habitat and wanted to communicate this to our customers by means of a reliable third party certification. This is why we applied for Friend of the Sea," commented Dr Emilio Rizzoli, President of Delicius Rizzoli S.p.A.