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BioMar pledges to battle climate change

Feed ingredients Climate change +3 more

BioMar has joined an ocean-based initiative that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a fifth.

The aquafeed producer has signed up to the advisory network for the High Level Panel for A Sustainable Ocean Economy. The move coincides with the publication of a report from the panel which suggests that ocean-based climate action can deliver a fifth of the reductions in greenhouse gas emissions required by 2050 to prevent a 1.5ºC global temperature rise.

Carlos Diaz, CEO of BioMar

BioMar joined, according to a press release, “because we understand the important role that aquaculture feed and seafood products play in ensuring a sustainable future for our planet”.

“We deeply understand that our feed can be responsible for up to 80 percent of the environmental impact of aquaculture farming. The onus is on us to find alternative ways of making feed to reduce the environmental footprint so that our customers can answer the call to double aquaculture production by 2050,” explained Carlos Diaz, CEO of the BioMar Group.

In the new study, The Ocean as a Solution for Climate Change: 5 Opportunities of Action, released today at the Climate Action Summit in New York, pinpoints several action areas for aquaculture. These include the sourcing of alternative nutrients for aquaculture feed and promoting seafood to shift diets to lower carbon protein sources.

BioMar has responded by stating that they are “ready and able to support our customers who wish to join the ocean-based climate action by lowering their carbon footprint. Recently Salmon Group, a cooperation of 44 Norwegian salmon farmers, announced the reduction of their carbon footprint by 50 percent by using a customised BioMar recipe.”

BioMar are not alone in the desire to drive ocean-based climate action. Norwegian Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, a co-chair of the panel, stated: “this report signals an exciting new pathway to a low-carbon climate-resilient future.”

The Chilean President, Sebastian Pinera, also commented, “addressing climate change is crucial for our ocean economy and for future generation, and the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy’s Call to Ocean-Climate Action will help us do so.”

This comes on the back of SalmonChile’s announcement that they intend to reach 50 percent carbon neutrality by 2020 and 100 percent by 2025.

“At BioMar we are willing, and able to do our part for a sustainable future for us all. It will not be easy, but we are determined to continue driving sustainable change in aquaculture,” concluded Diaz