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ASDOMAR Fish Products Confirmed Friend of the Sea

Tuna Sustainability Economics +5 more

ITALY - Generale Conserve, an Italian company specialised in canned food, has had its Friend of the Sea status renewed for its brand ASDOMAR.

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Skipjack and yellow-fin tuna, the two tuna species used for the production of ASDOMAR products and fish meal originating from tuna trimmings, have been confirmed compliant with all 'Friend of the Sea' strict sustainability requirements.

Generale Conserve’s factory has been sourcing for years only adult (over 1 meter) yellowfin tuna from Friend of the Sea approved fisheries and fleets. Chain of Custody is in place from fishing vessels to the state-of-the-art processing plant in Olbia (Sardinia, Italy).

Friend of the Sea certification requirements follow the FAO - Guidelines for the Eco-labelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries. Furthermore it is the only program in the world which can certify, with the same seal of approval, products both farmed and wild-caught.

“Our customers," explains Vito Gulli, Chairman and CEO of General Conserve, "choose our products for a top level experience and they give a high value to our engagement to social and environmental accountability.”

"Generale Conserve was among the first companies in the world to be supplied exclusively by Friend of the Sea approved fisheries and fleets," said Paolo Bray, Director of Friend of the Sea.

"This way the company has stimulated several shipowners to implement sustainable fishing practices. Over the past ten years, ASDOMAR choice has been successful and has enabled us to achieve significant results in the protection of the marine habitat."

ASDOMAR was the first Italian brand in the canned seafood market to require independent certification bodies audit of its origin’s sustainability. For almost a decade, ASDOMAR tuna and mackerel have been carrying Friend of the Sea eco-label. Its salmon products have also been certified Friend of the Sea in 2012. Ensuring its products’ sustainable origin, Generale Conserve has proved great care and respect for its final customers.